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- Install Phreedom ERP on Linux
Posted by : Rega
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
NIM :1304505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering/IT Engineering
College : Udayana University
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T.
Phreedom accounting program was developed as a free and open source web-based Enterprise resource planning (ERP) application. The program is written in the PHP scripting language with a MySQL database engine. The objective is to provide the small-business community with a multi-language end-to-end enterprise management tool to run in an Internet environment. Phreedom is intended to provide a no-cost solution for small business concerns. Phreedom is platform independent, browser independent, and can be translated into many languages.
You can follow the install instructions below to get phreedom ERP Software
1. Download Phreedom ERP Software
2. Extract the package
3. Accept the GNU General Public License
5. Open php.ini
6.Enter the administrator info
7. You now have Phreedom installed on your linux