Posted by : Rega Adhitya Wednesday, October 21, 2015

NIM : 1304505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering/IT Engineering
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama ST.,MT.,
College : Udayana University



ERP is an enterprise information system designed to coordinate all the resources, information and activities needed to complete business processes. ERP system based on a database in general and modular software design.Mobile ERP is an electronic trading system using portable devices / mobile. At the time of computer users move from one place to another (while in a car, for example), the computer user can perform tranaksi selling products on the internet by using m-commerce system.At basic Mobile ERP is merged of electronic commerce (e-commerce) and mobile computing. usually said that m-comerce e-commerce is located in a wireless environment. The use of m-commerce bias transacted over the Internet, private communication networks, smart cards, and other infrastructure.

Supporting TechnologyThere are several assistive technologies to build a mobile ERP system. below is supporting mobile technology ERP,Smart CitySmart city is a city with the development and management of the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect, monitor and control the various resources available in the city more effectively and efficiently to maximize service to its citizens and to support sustainable development.One expert, smart city, smart Boyd Cohen tried to divide the city into six main indicators, namely:• Smart People, the human capital that weel educated both formal and non-formal and embodied in individuals or communities are creative.• Smart Environment, which is an environment that provides comfort in the present and the future of environmental sustainability in other words both physical and non-physical state.• Smart Living, which refers to the quality of life and culture of the people most influencing factor is the availability needs, for security, safety, convenience and comfort of living.• Smart Mobility, a system that allows the movement of fulfillment with minimum movement possible and as quickly as possible.• Smart Economy, which is the high level of economic and financial welfare of the community with good economic growth and a high per capita income.• Smart Governance, which issued a paradigm of government policies that ignore the principles of the rule of law, humanity, justice, democracy, participation, transparency, professionalism and accountability as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.
E-CommerceDefinition of E-Commerce by Laudon and Laudon (1998), E-Commerce is a process of buying and selling of electronic products by consumers and from company to company with a computer as an intermediary for business transactions.E-Commerce or commonly also called Ecom or Emmerce or EC is a business exchange routine by using a transmission Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax machines, and Electronic Funds Transfer relating to transactions shopping Internet shopping,
Stock and bonds online, download and sale of software, documents, graphics, music, and others, as well as transactions Business to Business (B2B).
IOTInternet Of Things (IOT) is defined as a technology that enables the control, communication, cooperation with various hardware, data sharing, virtualize everything real in the form of the Internet, and others, through the Internet, also called M2M (Machine to Machine) (Ashton, 2009).
Cloud ComputingCloud computing is an evolution of virtualization in the form of a service-oriented architecture using utility computing. The workings of cloud computing is transparent, easily accessible so that users do not need advanced knowledge and just need to know how to access it. Cloud computing is the combined use of computing technology and the Internet in which information is permanently stored on web hosting and temporarily stored in the user device used.Cloud computing is an information technology services that can be used or accessed via the Internet to provide the information needs of its users. For example, Google Apps services that many provide a variety of business and entertainment applications such as data stored on a dedicated server or web hosting which can be accessed through a web browser client such as a desktop, tablet, notebook, computer, smartphone and others. Thus cloud computing is a mechanism using information technology capabilities are provided as Internet-based services.
E-BusinessE-business is a business activity that is done automatically by utilizing electronic technology such as computers and the Internet. E-business allows an enterprise to connect to the system of internal and external data processing more efficient and flexible. Examples of E-business such as purchasing items online through From the process of ordering goods, confirmation of payment, to confirm that the delivery of goods to the customer is already done electronically.E-business has characteristics similar objectives with conventional business, only E-business has a different scope. Businesses rely on meetings between businessmen as well as a special meeting place, or simply to get acquainted with business partners, while the E-business media rely on the Internet as a means of obtaining the goal.

Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity technology that enables two-way interactions between electronic devices more secure and simple. NFC also allows users to perform contactless transactions, access digital content and connect electronic devices with just one touch. Actually NFC technology is the development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) used in mobile devices to facilitate the transaction. NFC has many such functions can transfer data quickly, make purchases without using a credit or debit card, and easy implementation because it does not need to go through the activation process convoluted. RFID start first patented by Charles Walton. RFID is a method that can be used to store or receive data remotely using a device called RFIDtag or transponder. An RFID tag is a small object, such berupastiker adhesive, and can be attached to an item or product. RFID tags contain antennas that enable them to receive and respond to a query that is emitted olehsuatu RFID transceiver. NFC development began in 2004 with the establishment know a form for NFC by Nokia, Philips and Sony. In 2006 the NFC forum meciptakan compatible technical specifications and NFC tag and continues to grow today ini.Pada know 2006 Nokia 6131 is a mobile phone with NFC first, followed by Samsung Nexus S in 2010 as the first Android phone using NFC Yag. In 2011 Google I / O demonstrate the use of NFC to transmit games, applications, video and others. And in 2011 Research In Motion became the first company to ensure trasaksi together with MasterCard Worldwide, da governed by PayPass. This ensures NFC device can communicate with other NFC devices, one of the main factors in making a stout NFC technology in demand until now is kesederhana in the operation and speed in the transaction.BenefitBenefits of using Mobile ERP in a company as a transaction system are:1.Can increase market exposure (market share).
Transactions on-line that makes everyone in the world can order and buy products that are sold only through computer media and is not limited to the distance and time.2.Decreasing operating costs (operating costs) .Transaction Mobile ERP is a transaction that most of its operations are programmed in the computer so that costs such as showroom, excessive salaries, and others did not need to happen Expanding the range of (global reach).3.Transaction online that is accessible to everyone in the world is not limited space and time because everyone can access only by using an intermediary computer media.4.Increasing loyalty. this customer due Mobile ERP systems provide complete information and that information can be accessed at any time other than that in terms of purchasing can also be done at any time even consumers can choose the product he wants.5.Increasing supply management.Transaksi Mobile ERP cause pengefisienan operational costs on companies, especially in the number of employees and the amount of stocks available so as to further refine the cost pengefisienan then a good supply management system should be improved.6.Shorting production time .on a company that consists of various divisions or a distributor in which the ordering of raw materials or products to be sold when running out of goods can be ordered at any time for on-line and will be faster and orderly because everything is directly programmed in the computer.

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