Posted by : Rega Monday, March 2, 2015

NIM                : 13040505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering / IT Engineering
Lecturer          : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, ST MT

System Integration

           Integration is a process to make a relation between components,elements,and make it become one and more useful for humans. On IT Engineering this method is used to make a subsystems to become one and make a supersystem that will be more useful. There’s some methods to make a system Integration :

         -  Star Integration also known as Spaghetti Integration is a process of systems integration where each system is interconnected to each of the remaining subsystems. When observed from the perspective of the subsystem which is being integrated, the connections are reminiscent of a star, but when the overall diagram of the system is presented, the connections look like spaghetti, hence the name of this method. The cost varies because of the interfaces that subsystems are exporting. In a case where the subsystems are exporting heterogeneous or proprietary interfaces, the integration cost can substantially rise. Time and costs needed to integrate the systems increase exponentially when adding additional subsystems. From the feature perspective, this method often seems preferable, due to the extreme flexibility of the reuse of functionality.
        - Horizontal Integration is an integration method in which a specialized subsystem is dedicated to communication between other subsystems. This allows cutting the number of connections (interfaces) to only one per subsystem which will connect directly to the ESB. The ESB is capable of translating the interface into another interface. This allows cutting the costs of integration and provides extreme flexibility. With systems integrated using this method, it is possible to completely replace one subsystem with another subsystem which provides similar functionality but exports different interfaces, all this completely transparent for the rest of the subsystems. The only action required is to implement the new interface between the ESB and the new subsystem.The horizontal scheme can be misleading, however, if it is thought that the cost of intermediate data transformation or the cost of shifting responsibility
           System According to a system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole.  System came from Greek languages  (sustÄ“ma) which means a relationship between components or elements to make an information,material,or energy to accomplish an reason or purposes. This systems also used on IT Engineering to maps a set of entity that interacted which makes a mathematics models are usually made and there are some elements on a system including :
-          Objects : can contains parts,elements,or variables
-          Attributes : deciding about quality or nature ownership of the system
-          Internal Relations : Relations betweent elements inside system
-          Environtment : Where system exist

        Migration is a huge process of moving something to somewhere new,this method often used on a country or a region to make townspeople on a equal populations everywhere. This migration can be permanent or temporary. On IT Engineering we used to make a migration of a data to maintain it’s quality and information inside it without making change on their structures,format, or technology platform. These are some reasons why we need a data migration :
-          Old databases didn’t support by the database application
-          Bad application ecosystem
-          New systems that was invented makes you using another database systems
-          Old technologies

         A complete set of technologies reinforce the reactivity and harmony that must reign on the islands, continents, and oceans of computing: urbanization, dataflow management, secured transport, transformation and storage of information between applications,technical and business supervision of the dataflows. These technologies make the applications reactive, by taking account of the business events that arise in the information system, “just-in-time”.

        Current information systems are therefore composed of applications that were developed in different periods, by different development teams, most of the time without real coordination, and using different technologies. In the majority of cases,new applications were created using the most recent technology at the time, often
without genuinely questioning the necessity of implementing such a technology, and
forgetting that a “modern” technology becomes obsolete in an instant of time.

source :
- Application Integration by Bernard Manouvrier and Laurent Menard
-Service Oriented Architecture an Integration Blueprint

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