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Archive for October 2015

Mobile ERP

NIM : 1304505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering/IT Engineering
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama ST.,MT.,
College : Udayana University



ERP is an enterprise information system designed to coordinate all the resources, information and activities needed to complete business processes. ERP system based on a database in general and modular software design.Mobile ERP is an electronic trading system using portable devices / mobile. At the time of computer users move from one place to another (while in a car, for example), the computer user can perform tranaksi selling products on the internet by using m-commerce system.At basic Mobile ERP is merged of electronic commerce (e-commerce) and mobile computing. usually said that m-comerce e-commerce is located in a wireless environment. The use of m-commerce bias transacted over the Internet, private communication networks, smart cards, and other infrastructure.

Supporting TechnologyThere are several assistive technologies to build a mobile ERP system. below is supporting mobile technology ERP,Smart CitySmart city is a city with the development and management of the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect, monitor and control the various resources available in the city more effectively and efficiently to maximize service to its citizens and to support sustainable development.One expert, smart city, smart Boyd Cohen tried to divide the city into six main indicators, namely:• Smart People, the human capital that weel educated both formal and non-formal and embodied in individuals or communities are creative.• Smart Environment, which is an environment that provides comfort in the present and the future of environmental sustainability in other words both physical and non-physical state.• Smart Living, which refers to the quality of life and culture of the people most influencing factor is the availability needs, for security, safety, convenience and comfort of living.• Smart Mobility, a system that allows the movement of fulfillment with minimum movement possible and as quickly as possible.• Smart Economy, which is the high level of economic and financial welfare of the community with good economic growth and a high per capita income.• Smart Governance, which issued a paradigm of government policies that ignore the principles of the rule of law, humanity, justice, democracy, participation, transparency, professionalism and accountability as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.
E-CommerceDefinition of E-Commerce by Laudon and Laudon (1998), E-Commerce is a process of buying and selling of electronic products by consumers and from company to company with a computer as an intermediary for business transactions.E-Commerce or commonly also called Ecom or Emmerce or EC is a business exchange routine by using a transmission Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), e-mail, electronic bulletin boards, fax machines, and Electronic Funds Transfer relating to transactions shopping Internet shopping,
Stock and bonds online, download and sale of software, documents, graphics, music, and others, as well as transactions Business to Business (B2B).
IOTInternet Of Things (IOT) is defined as a technology that enables the control, communication, cooperation with various hardware, data sharing, virtualize everything real in the form of the Internet, and others, through the Internet, also called M2M (Machine to Machine) (Ashton, 2009).
Cloud ComputingCloud computing is an evolution of virtualization in the form of a service-oriented architecture using utility computing. The workings of cloud computing is transparent, easily accessible so that users do not need advanced knowledge and just need to know how to access it. Cloud computing is the combined use of computing technology and the Internet in which information is permanently stored on web hosting and temporarily stored in the user device used.Cloud computing is an information technology services that can be used or accessed via the Internet to provide the information needs of its users. For example, Google Apps services that many provide a variety of business and entertainment applications such as data stored on a dedicated server or web hosting which can be accessed through a web browser client such as a desktop, tablet, notebook, computer, smartphone and others. Thus cloud computing is a mechanism using information technology capabilities are provided as Internet-based services.
E-BusinessE-business is a business activity that is done automatically by utilizing electronic technology such as computers and the Internet. E-business allows an enterprise to connect to the system of internal and external data processing more efficient and flexible. Examples of E-business such as purchasing items online through www.tokopedia.com. From the process of ordering goods, confirmation of payment, to confirm that the delivery of goods to the customer is already done electronically.E-business has characteristics similar objectives with conventional business, only E-business has a different scope. Businesses rely on meetings between businessmen as well as a special meeting place, or simply to get acquainted with business partners, while the E-business media rely on the Internet as a means of obtaining the goal.

Near Field Communication (NFC) and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity technology that enables two-way interactions between electronic devices more secure and simple. NFC also allows users to perform contactless transactions, access digital content and connect electronic devices with just one touch. Actually NFC technology is the development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) used in mobile devices to facilitate the transaction. NFC has many such functions can transfer data quickly, make purchases without using a credit or debit card, and easy implementation because it does not need to go through the activation process convoluted. RFID start first patented by Charles Walton. RFID is a method that can be used to store or receive data remotely using a device called RFIDtag or transponder. An RFID tag is a small object, such berupastiker adhesive, and can be attached to an item or product. RFID tags contain antennas that enable them to receive and respond to a query that is emitted olehsuatu RFID transceiver. NFC development began in 2004 with the establishment know a form for NFC by Nokia, Philips and Sony. In 2006 the NFC forum meciptakan compatible technical specifications and NFC tag and continues to grow today ini.Pada know 2006 Nokia 6131 is a mobile phone with NFC first, followed by Samsung Nexus S in 2010 as the first Android phone using NFC Yag. In 2011 Google I / O demonstrate the use of NFC to transmit games, applications, video and others. And in 2011 Research In Motion became the first company to ensure trasaksi together with MasterCard Worldwide, da governed by PayPass. This ensures NFC device can communicate with other NFC devices, one of the main factors in making a stout NFC technology in demand until now is kesederhana in the operation and speed in the transaction.BenefitBenefits of using Mobile ERP in a company as a transaction system are:1.Can increase market exposure (market share).
Transactions on-line that makes everyone in the world can order and buy products that are sold only through computer media and is not limited to the distance and time.2.Decreasing operating costs (operating costs) .Transaction Mobile ERP is a transaction that most of its operations are programmed in the computer so that costs such as showroom, excessive salaries, and others did not need to happen Expanding the range of (global reach).3.Transaction online that is accessible to everyone in the world is not limited space and time because everyone can access only by using an intermediary computer media.4.Increasing loyalty. this customer due Mobile ERP systems provide complete information and that information can be accessed at any time other than that in terms of purchasing can also be done at any time even consumers can choose the product he wants.5.Increasing supply management.Transaksi Mobile ERP cause pengefisienan operational costs on companies, especially in the number of employees and the amount of stocks available so as to further refine the cost pengefisienan then a good supply management system should be improved.6.Shorting production time .on a company that consists of various divisions or a distributor in which the ordering of raw materials or products to be sold when running out of goods can be ordered at any time for on-line and will be faster and orderly because everything is directly programmed in the computer.
Author : Rega Adhitya Comments : 0

Relations between Data Warehouse, Data Mart, ETL and ELT

NIM : 1304505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering/IT Engineering
College : Udayana University
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama ST.,MT.,

Data Warehouse is a database that stores the data present and past data from different operational systems and other sources are an important concern for the management of the organization and is intended for analysis and management reporting within the framework of decision-making.
Part of the Data Warehouse that support the needs at the departmental level or a certain business functions within the company or called Data Mart is only focusing on the needs of users involved in a department or business function. Data Mart usually contain detailed operational data such as the Data Warehouse.
In processing an information, which comes from documents, databases, files and applications that will be processed by ETL (Extraction Transformation Loading) or ELT (Extraction Loading Transformation) which at this stage will process a source of data that will be stored in the Data Warehouse , A data will be through a process of extraction and then be transformed and the last will be loaded into the Data Warehouse in other words, this process is called ETL or by extraction of the data first, and then loaded into the Data Warehouse and transformed into a data that can be processed into a information other words, this process is called ELT.
Once the data is stored in the Data Warehouse, the need for OLAP technology that helps the process of analyzing the data to obtain an information, obtain necessary in making the report, allowing it to use the query that is needed and requires technology Data Mining in obtaining sources of data needed to process a information, which can later be used by the user in making a decision.
Author : Rega Adhitya Comments : 0

Big Data in Data Warehouse

NIM : 1304505113
Major/ Facultty : IT Engineering / Engineering
College : Udayana University
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama ST.,MT.,

Hadoop is a Java-based software framework that is open source. hadoop useful as storage and distributed processing of big data in a computer cluster.hadoop has two main parts: the storage and processing part. hadoop manipulate data held to allow data to be processed in order to be faster and more efficient than the more conventional supercomputer architecture that still rely on parallel file system where calculations and data are connected via high-speed networks.Big Data is a phrase or phrase, used to describe the data that have large volumes of both structured data and unstructured difficult to process using database techniques and traditional software. big data has the potential to help companies improve operations and make things faster and because of the completeness of the data it can be to make more intelligent decisions.Data mining can be referred to as knowledge discovery is a process of sorting the data in a variety of viewpoints and then make a conclusion from the data studied.Data mining can be useful to find relationships or patterns in a relational database. Results of data mining can be considered to increase revenue and reduce expenditure.The use of data mining can be found in supermarkets, they see what items most purchased by customer type which at a certain time and use it to give a discount on a specific day / time specific and determine the placement of goods in the supermarket.Cloud computing is a technology that uses the Internet as a storage service. Cloud computing allows us to work without having anything other than the internet. Cloud computing can store data, software, and others, so we just stayed access it by using the internet. The main advantage of cloud computing which is free of charge storage infrastructure and save room for the storage media.The data warehouse is a data container from a variety of sources for analysis and critical access, but generally does not start from the end-user who may need access to the database. It can be said that the data warehouse is a place for users to search and sort - through data as well as the data shopped in the market data. In a nutshell A data warehouse is a warehouse that is structured for all the data that the various business systems that collect a company. Can be either physical or logistic.Data Warehouse and Big Data using Oracle Tools 12C to assist in the performance of data storage on a large scale. Oracle Database 12c is a new version of the Oracle database that is specifically designed to meet the specific needs related to the use in the cloud. tools of the oracle among others processing, Apache Hadoop can process data in a very large number of up to petabytes and run on thousands of computers. The second is the large-scale data analysis, the need for help in the OLAP data analysis process. As well as transactions per day, in data processing at a company allows data can be processed in realtime then OLTP help needed in processing the data.Hadoop has nothing to do with Big Data that consists of databases, data maining and Data Warehouse are located on Analytic process, as well as with third Cloud services such as IAAS, PAAS and SAAS that will support the processing and data storage on a large scale.

source :

Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T, I Putu. 2014. Smart City Beserta Cloud Computing dan Teknologi-Teknologi Pendukung Lainnya. Bandung: Informatika.

Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T, I Putu. 2014. Handbook Jaringan Komputer Teori dan Praktik Berbasiskan Open Source. Bandung: Informatika.

Author : Rega Adhitya Comments : 0

Smart City, E-Application (E-Business), and Smart Economy

NIM : 1304505113
Faculty/Major : Engineering/IT Engineering 
Lecturer : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama ST.,MT.,

Smart city is a city with the development and management of the utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to connect, monitor and control the various resources available in the city more effectively and efficiently to maximize service to its citizens and to support sustainable development. Smart City is the result of the development of knowledge-intensive and creative strategies to improve the quality of socio-economic, ecological, competitive power of the city. Emerging Smart City is the result of a combination of human capital (ie educated workforce), capital infrastructure (eg high-tech communication facilities), social capital (for example, open community network) and capital entrepreuneurial (eg creative business activities). Strong governance and trustworthy accompanied by people who are creative and open-minded will increase local productivity and accelerate the economic growth of a city (Kourtit & Nijkamp, ​​2012). Some experts consider the concept of the city by the smart city can meet the need for ease of life and health, when in reality the concept of smart city is still under debate by experts and there is no definition and general concepts that can be applied in all the cities in the world due to the concept of smart city is still dependent the city and developers respectively.

  1. Smart People, the human capital that weel educated both formal and non-formal and embodied in individuals or communities are creative.
  2. Smart Environment, which is an environment that provides comfort in the present and the future of environmental sustainability in other words both physical and non-physical state.
  3. Smart Living, which refers to the quality of life and culture of the people most influencing factor is the availability needs, for security, safety, convenience and comfort of living.
  4. Smart Mobility, a system that allows the movement of fulfillment with minimum movement possible and as quickly as possible.
  5. Smart Economy, which is the high level of economic and financial welfare of the community with good economic growth and a high per capita income.
  6. Smart Governance, which issued a paradigm of government policies that ignore the principles of the rule of law, humanity, justice, democracy, participation, transparency, professionalism and accountability as well as the effectiveness and efficiency of policies.

Economic factors are key drivers of smart city. A city with high economic competitiveness is considered to have one of the properties of smart city. Economic factors including one's competitiveness innovation, entrepreneurship, and productivity of the city. Economics is a field study of the management of material resources of individuals, communities and countries to improve the welfare of human life. Because economics is a science of human behavior and actions to meet their needs vary and evolve with existing resources through the choices of production, consumption or distribution. So the smart economy (Smart Economy) on the smart city can be interpreted how people can take advantage of the management of material resources of individuals, communities, and countries to increase the welfare of society itself.

E-BusinessE-business is a business activity that is done automatically by utilizing electronic technology such as computers and the Internet. E-business allows an enterprise to connect to the system of internal and external data processing more efficient and flexible. Examples of E-business such as purchasing items online through www.tokopedia.com. From the process of ordering goods, confirmation of payment, to confirm that the delivery of goods to the customer is already done electronically.E-business has characteristics similar objectives with conventional business, only E-business has a different scope. Businesses rely on meetings between businessmen as well as a special meeting place, or simply to get acquainted with business partners, while the E-business media rely on the Internet as a means of obtaining the goal.In E-business activities, there are five possible forms of business relationships based transaction, namely:
  1.     Business to Business (trading among business entrepreneurs)
  2.     Business to Consumer (trade between business entrepreneurs with consumers)
  3.     Consumer to Consumer (trade between consumers with each other consumers)
  4.     Consumer to Business (trade between consumers with businesses or companies)
    Intrabusiness E-business (trade within the scope of the corporate intranet that involve the exchange of goods, services, and information.Stages of E-businessThere are four stages of the use of computer networks and the Internet for the purpose of E-business, where there is a traditional enterprise transformation to e-business, including the following:

Utilizing computer
Utilizing a network and the Internet (such as email, chat messenger, IRC, etc ,.)
Build and utilize web

 E - commerceSo it can be concluded that the definition of E-Commerce and E-business if it is not understood in advance will make the discussion of it becomes systematic. This is because of confusion in determining the most suitable terms to represent concepts by means of electronic commerce.The fundamental difference between E-Commerce and E-business is that the purpose of the E-Commerce oriented on how to make a profit, while the E-business oriented to the long-term interests and are abstract such as consumer confidence, customer services, work rules, relationships between business partners and the handling of other social problems. Aside from the differences that are owned by both of them, it turns out they also have a common goal of advancing the company into a larger company than

There are several technologies that support or assist the course of smart city. Here merukan technologies supporting smart city.Cloud computingCloud computing is an evolution of virtualization in the form of a service-oriented architecture using utility computing. The workings of cloud computing is transparent, easily accessible so that users do not need advanced knowledge and just need to know how to access it. Cloud computing is the combined use of computing technology and the Internet in which information is permanently stored on web hosting and temporarily stored in the user device used.Cloud computing is an information technology services that can be used or accessed via the Internet to provide the information needs of its users. For example, Google Apps services that many provide a variety of business and entertainment applications such as data stored on a dedicated server or web hosting which can be accessed through a web browser client such as a desktop, tablet, notebook, computer, smartphone and others. Thus cloud computing is a mechanism using information technology capabilities are provided as Internet-based services.OTT (Over The Top)OTT (Over The Top) is a technology that can be optimized by utilizing the internet connection provided by your internet service provider (carrier / telco). Notable examples of OTT technology is a social network such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, chat applications such as WhatsApp, Line, and WeChat, media sharing and streaming like Youtube, SoundCloud, Flickr and Picasa, relationships between professionals such as LinkedIn and so on. Provider OTT service providers have an important task to provide the infrastructure, connections, and internet communication lines to support these services. Developer or owner OTT-based applications can take advantage of the infrastructure that has been given by the existing providers around the world to run a business and make a profit from OTT applications distributed over the Internet for free.Open DataOpen Data A data should be freely available for everyone to use and publish as they wish, without the barrier of copyrights, patents or other mechanisms of control. Open data is intended to realize a concrete commitment from the government in an effort to improve transparency, increase civic participation, combating corruption and the use of new technologies in order to realize good governance more open, effective and accountable, the so-called open or open government bureaucracy.ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning)ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) System is an information system designed for manufacturing companies and services that contribute to integrate and automate the business processes associated with aspects of the operation, production and distribution in the company concerned.ERP evolved from Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) where MRP II itself is the result of evolution of Material Requirement Planning (MRP), which developed earlier. Modular ERP system typically handles the manufacturing process, logistics, distribution, inventory (inventory), shipping, invoicing and accounting firm. This means that the system will be help control the business activities such as sales, delivery, production, inventory management, quality management and human resources.ERP is often referred to as Back Office System, which indicates that customers and the general public are not involved in this system. In contrast to the Front Office System are directly dealing with customers like system for e-Commerce, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), e-Government and others.CRM (Customer Relationship Management)CRM is an industry term IT methodologies, strategies, software (software) and or other web based applications that can help a company to manage its relationship with its customers, or CRM is the business of a company to concentrate on keeping the customer by gathering all forms of customer interaction either by phone, email, feedback on the site or the results of the talks to a sales and marketing. CRM is also an overall business strategy of a company that allows these companies can effectively manage relationships with customers.Near Field Communication (NFC)Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short-range wireless connectivity technology that enables two-way interactions between electronic devices more secure and simple. NFC also allows users to perform contactless transactions, access digital content and connect electronic devices with just one touch. Actually NFC technology is the development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) used in mobile devices to facilitate the transaction. NFC has many such functions can transfer data quickly, make purchases without using a credit or debit card, and easy implementation because it does not need to go through the activation process convoluted. RFID start first patented by Charles Walton. RFID is a method that can be used to store or receive data remotely using a device called RFIDtag or transponder. An RFID tag is a small object, such berupastiker adhesive, and can be attached to an item or product. RFID tags contain antennas that enable them to receive and respond to a query that is emitted olehsuatu RFID transceiver. NFC development began in 2004 with the establishment know a form for NFC by Nokia, Philips and Sony. In 2006 the NFC forum meciptakan compatible technical specifications and NFC tag and continues to grow today ini.Pada know 2006 Nokia 6131 is a mobile phone with NFC first, followed by Samsung Nexus S in 2010 as the first Android phone using NFC Yag. In 2011 Google I / O demonstrate the use of NFC to transmit games, applications, video and others. And in 2011 Research In Motion became the first company to ensure trasaksi together with MasterCard Worldwide, da governed by PayPass. This ensures NFC device can communicate with other NFC devices, one of the main factors in making a stout NFC technology in demand until now is simple in the operation and speed in the transaction.
Internet of Things (IoT)
The Internet of Things (IoT), is the network of physical objects or "things" embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data. The Internet of Things allows objects to be sensed and controlled remotely across existing network infrastructure, creating opportunities for more direct integration between the physical world and computer-based systems, and resulting in improved efficiency, accuracy and economic benefit. Each thing is uniquely identifiable through its embedded computing system but is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure. Experts estimate that the IoT will consist of almost 50 billion objects by 2020.
source :

Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T, I Putu. 2014. Smart City Beserta Cloud Computing dan Teknologi-Teknologi Pendukung Lainnya. Bandung: Informatika.

Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T, I Putu. 2014. Handbook Jaringan Komputer Teori dan Praktik Berbasiskan Open Source. Bandung: Informatika.

Agus Eka Pratama, S.T.,M.T, I Putu. 2015. Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) Teori dan Praktek Berbasiskan Open Source. Bandung: Informatika.

Author : Rega Adhitya Comments : 0

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